Please reach out to us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
YES - we are excited to offer full services in two key areas - Northern California and the Phoenix Metro area. Not only do we have a full slate of crews in both areas, but we have designated management team members out of both offices that are available to meet in person if you feel it is easier for you.
While we have our standard rates, we prefer to find out more about your needs and the job itself prior to giving you a number. This way, we can ensure you receive the best possible service for the best price we can do.
To receive an estimate on an upcoming job you can either submit an inquiry from the 'Contact Us' page, or call us at anytime us at 209-751-7585.
While we appreciate as much notice as possible, we understand the events industry is unpredictable. Feel free to contact us even if your event is today and our management team will make every effort to fill your needed positions.
We do have a minimum call time of five hours for our jobs. However, we understand that certain times that is unrealistic, feel free to contact us and see what we can do to work with you.
While we are based in Northern California (San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, Sacramento and surrounding areas) we have team members all over the United States. Feel free to reach out to us regardless of the location of your job.
Once you reach out to us, you will be in contact with a member of our management team and will get to know them so it is more of a professional relationship as opposed to a cold order placement.
Our management team member will confirm the details with you, send you an estimate, and once confirmed they will enter the job into our staffing system to have the positions filled.
As the job approaches, typically 24-48 hours from the start of your job, you will receive the crew list and the lead's cell phone number so that you can reach out to the lead if needed.
Our management team serves as our crew coordinators and we always have one on-call at all times. You'll have your rep's cell phone number and am more than welcome to text or call them should any issues arise.
We do ask, however, once the job begins, to attempt to work with the on-site lead first as they are often able to resolve issues on their own.
Stage Monkeys is fully insured and we are more than happy to provide a COI upon request.
In order to comply with California laws, all of our stagehands, and other crew members are employed on a part-time basis.
To make compliance of California's AB5 and other Labor Regulations, we operate strictly on a per hour basis (invoice and payment to employees)
The event industry changes by the minute and we get that. We make every effort to be good partners and will work with you on modifications as they happen.
We do ask for any shift cancellations to happen by 5pm the day prior to the shift to avoid any issues.
All of our employees are stagehands, but we do have other specialized personnel available:
Our leads are our experienced employees that serve a dual purpose for us. They are the point of contact for the customer, but also are our on-site eyes and ears for the other employees. They clock the employees in and out, monitor for safety issues, and work to keep everyone on task.
Leads are required for any job.
Leads are the point of contact for Stage Monkeys on the job site. With smaller jobs, it is possible for the lead to do their duties and maintain a good relationship with the client. However, if a job gets too large, they need to focus on the employees and the customer and not be pulled on and off a job every time there is a question from an employee or the customer.
Leads become Non-Working Leads when there are 16 or more Stage Monkeys representatives on the job at one time.